Daily-mean, hourly-mean and 6hourly-instantaneous forecast data [01/01/2007->D-1 to D+9] of the Global Ocean physics and sea ice parameters with a daily update providing : Temperature, Salinity, Sea Surface Height, Currents and Sea Ice thickness, fraction and velocities- , Numerical files are displayed on a 1/12° native grid (~9.3km at the equator).
Product type Product name Temporal resolution Temporal coverage Update frequency
Code version / Initial conditions and relaxations
Version de code
Initial conditions
- Levitus (2009 T and S) for the ocean. - Ifremer/Cersat data for ice concentration and GLORYS2V1 for ice thickness.
Surface relaxation
Water column (3D) relaxation
by increasing vertical mixing
Data assimilation
Assimilation scheme
SAM2 (SEEK Kernel) bias correction 3D-VAr and Incremental Analysis Update (IAU).
Data assimilated
CMEMS OSTIA SST + CMEMS Sea Ice Concentration + CMEMS SLA + in situ profile from CMEMS database + MDT adjusted based on CNES-CLS13 + WOA 2013 climatology (temperature and salinity) below 2000 m (assimilation using a non-Gaussian error at depth)
Atmospheric or Biogeochemical forcings
-operational forcing : 3 hours from ECMWF -Formulation Bulk CORE
Updated runoff Dai et al., 2009 + runoff fluxes coming from Greenland and Antarctica + adding of a trend (2.2mm/year) to the runoff
Open boundary conditions