Locate Operational Oceanography Centers V2

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  2. Locate Operational Oceanography Centers V2

Mercator Ocean international is committed to helping international institutions and scientific working groups set up international standards to monitor the ocean and develop operational oceanography. The first step is to defining where and how new capacities are needed by making an inventory of the operational oceanography and ocean forecasting services. The map below shows two categories of centers: operational oceanography centers and marine forecasting centers providing data for operations at sea. Filters can selects crtieria to be displayed according to the viewer interest: the scale of the data provided and the level of achievement of the service provided.

Marine Meteorological and Forecast centers and Operational Oceanography Centers can be distinguished with the variables they analyse.

  • Marine Meteorology and Forecast mainly present the interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean surface as well as other types of forecasts that refer to special elements and phenomena, such as waves, storm surges, sea ice and ice accretion.
  • Operational Oceanography measures and provides daily and long-term physical, biogeochemical and sea ice information about the surface and sub-surface of the ocean.

Agence nationale de l’aviation civile et de la météorologie

  Dakar (Senegal)

BlueLink (CSIRO)

  Crawley WA (Australia)

Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas

  Cartagena (Colombia)

Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

  Lecce (Italia)

Collecte Localisation Satellites

  Ramonville-Saint-Agne (France)

CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service)

  Ramonvile-saint-agne (France)

Danish Meteorological Institute

  Copenhaguen (Denmark)


  Reading (United Kingdom)

Environment and Climate Change Canada

  North York (Canada)

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

  Hamburg (Germany)

Finnish Meteorlogical Institute

  Helsinki (Finland)

Fisheries and Ocean Canada

  St John's (Canada)

Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre

  Anavyssos (Greece)

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

  Sgonico (Italy)

Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

  Telengana (India)

Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science

  Tehran (Iran)

Japan meteorology agency

  Minato City (Japan)

Korean hydrographic and oceanographic agency

  Busan (South Korea)

Mercator ocean

  Ramonvile-saint-agne (France)

Meteo France

  Toulouse (France)

UK National Oceanographic Center

  Southampton (United Kingdom)


  New Plymouth (New Zealand)


  Exeter EX1 3PB (United Kingdom)

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

  Bergen (Norway)

National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center

  Beijing (China)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  Silver Spring (United-States of America)

Norwegian Meteorological Institute

  Oslo (Norway)


  Glória, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere

  Algés (Portugal)

Puertos del Estado

  Madrid (Spain)

Rede de Modelagem e Observacao Oceanografica


  Abidjian (Côte d'Ivoire)

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

  Norrköping (Sweden)

University of Cape Town

  Cape Town (South Africa)

University of Penambuco

  Recife (Brazil)

Disclaimer: this content has been produced according to the reputation and with a set of documents from the websites of each of the operational oceanography and marine forecasting centres. None of the identified centres have been formally contacted and some may have been overlooked.

The PDF below gives you an overview which criteria have been analysed and how the classification has been elaborated:

If you have questions about the map or if you are a center under construction wanting to be added, you can contact us with the following form:

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